Monday – If our house doesn’t have a sweet tooth, then I don’t know who does. This was proven yet again when we finished a whole batch of brownies Monday evening, not to mention the two different kinds of homemade cookies over the weekend, banana cake from Peggy and oatmeal cookies on Tues., carrot cake on Wed., Thanksgiving on Thursday (aka lots of pie), leftovers on Fri., and chocolate cake, oatmeal cookies, and Krispy Kreme doughnuts on Sat. Mmm, mmm, mmmm.
Tuesday - Before coming to Portland we all heard how the weather was mild during the winter and what do we get – SNOW! I’m not too sure if you can really call it snow – more like a good dusting. Nevertheless, it canceled local schools for the day and Heather didn’t have to go to work. I, however, had work and had to walk all the way there and back in the snow, ice, and cold. I didn’t know if I was going to make it. (for those of you that don’t know – my work is right next door lol)
Wednesday – The first birthday of the week – celebrating 24 on the 24th! It was a day filled
with birthday singing, many calls/messages from friends and family, the first fire made in our fireplace, and carrot cake made by Ben!
Thursday – This was our first house venture out of the Portland area on our own. We had an early morning exploring around the Columbia River Gorge and many of the waterfalls around there – absolutely B-E-A-utiful! We also got some good ice-skating practice on our hike while we tried not to fall on the icy paths. We followed it with a great Thanksgiving dinner at Jane and Vance’s where we learned that putting a 1000 piece puzzle together in one night is possible and there’s nothing like some good harmonica music.
Saturday – We had our second birthday of the week!! Jon turned a quarter of a century! We started our day by getting in the Christmas spirit, decorating the church at Hanging of the Greens. That was followed by a venture to Forest Park for a hike, the Pink Feather for some karaoke, and a chocolate cake for Jon’s Birthday!
Thanks to Beth and the use of her car we managed to expand our scope of Portland and the surrounding area! However, I think we are all looking forward to a quieter week coming up and perhaps some Sunday afternoon naps in our near future.
Until next week –
Chelsea Beth