After some really busy days at SnowCap last week, I was pretty psyched for a three day weekend! About 2 weeks ago, Jon and I decided it would be fun to plan a little camping trip for Memorial Day weekend. In Virginia, you can almost be guaranteed decent weather for camping by the end of in Oregon it's a different story. Despite the forecast of rain and possible snow for our campground, Jon and I headed in the direction of Mt. Hood on Friday evening anyway. As expected, we had the pleasure of setting up camp in the rain, which made for a bit of sopping up to do, once we each crawled inside our respective tents. A rain fly doesn't do much good until the tent is up and it's over the tent!
On Saturday we got our hiking fix, by walking the Salmon River Trail, a pretty amazing walk that took us through old growth forest and up the Salmon River Canyon. Twelve miles gave us plenty of time to talk about quite a few topics....Where do thoughts come from? How important is it to have a job that's mentally stimulating and challenging? Do dreams really mean anything? Does God have emotions? What exactly is God? and on and on.
Jon and I both agreed that we should make this camping thing a more regular event. There is just something nice about being away from the house and Portland proper for longer than 12 hours, and I've come to believe that it's good for my soul. Rain and all!
And on another note...we have spinach, kale, and chard all growing strong in the garden now! And our new arrivals include three tomato plants and two pepper plants (gifts from some good friends). I'm looking forward to showing it all off to Ben when he arrives back in just a week! I think he'll be impressed!
The four of us have gathered here Coming from hither and yon. These are our journeys, Our hopes, Our fears, Brought to you by Ben, Chelsea, Heather, and Jon
Monday, May 30, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Being a grown up sucks
Hello blogosphere.
I've been coming to this realization steadily since I graduated college in 2007: being an adult sucks. It seems like my life revolves around work. But work for what? Everyday rolls into the next. There is the occasional distraction from work: hiking, dinner with friends, a run, phone calls to loved ones, etc. By and large work and, by extension life, is a grind. Maybe it's different when you have a family -- people that depend on your paycheck for their existence. I acknowledge and appreciate that having the ability to ask and think about this is a huge privilege.
I have a job that is good: I enjoy most days; it's work that I find important and meaningful; I don't dread going to work. Nevertheless I feel a huge pit in my stomach about what I'm doing with my life. I work because I need money to live. I wish there was a better way where I could have more flexibility; work when I want to to and sleep in when I want. Instead I feel that work becomes a prison. I have money but not time to travel. During my time in college and afterwords, I was blessed to be able to travel and see various parts of the world. It scares me to think that I have precisely 80hrs of vacation over the course of the next year. Which is enough for a few long weekends and major holidays, but that's it. No two weeks to gallivant around.
In high school, adults critique us for having jobs in high school saying, "you have a job so you can have a car, and you have a car so you can go to work." I feel like that now. I have a car, cell phone, and a place to sleep so I can work and I work so I can have those things. Is this what the rest of my life is? A never ending cycles of bills, obligations, and paychecks? It's frightening.
On a brighter note: the longer and sunnier days are much appreciated.
I've been coming to this realization steadily since I graduated college in 2007: being an adult sucks. It seems like my life revolves around work. But work for what? Everyday rolls into the next. There is the occasional distraction from work: hiking, dinner with friends, a run, phone calls to loved ones, etc. By and large work and, by extension life, is a grind. Maybe it's different when you have a family -- people that depend on your paycheck for their existence. I acknowledge and appreciate that having the ability to ask and think about this is a huge privilege.
I have a job that is good: I enjoy most days; it's work that I find important and meaningful; I don't dread going to work. Nevertheless I feel a huge pit in my stomach about what I'm doing with my life. I work because I need money to live. I wish there was a better way where I could have more flexibility; work when I want to to and sleep in when I want. Instead I feel that work becomes a prison. I have money but not time to travel. During my time in college and afterwords, I was blessed to be able to travel and see various parts of the world. It scares me to think that I have precisely 80hrs of vacation over the course of the next year. Which is enough for a few long weekends and major holidays, but that's it. No two weeks to gallivant around.
In high school, adults critique us for having jobs in high school saying, "you have a job so you can have a car, and you have a car so you can go to work." I feel like that now. I have a car, cell phone, and a place to sleep so I can work and I work so I can have those things. Is this what the rest of my life is? A never ending cycles of bills, obligations, and paychecks? It's frightening.
On a brighter note: the longer and sunnier days are much appreciated.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
30 for 34 - Poem
For this blog, I’d like to tell you a tale
Of two crazy girls who walked a 30 mile trail.
Their hope was to finish 30 miles in one go
And what made them want to do this, we’ll never know.
And their thought was, “Oh we hope it doesn’t rain.”
They got up bright and early one Saturday morn
With the ride on the Max being slightly forlorn.
They started their hike at 7 on the dot.
Walking fairly quickly, I’d even say a brisk trot.
With hopes that the rain wouldn’t make them ail.
Now, don’t get me wrong their sprits were very high
They even counted every person as they walked by.
And cheered whenever there were sun and blue in the sky.
The first 10 miles went by fairly quick.
And look here, we even have a pic.
They kept up a good pace of under a 20 min mile.
And were thinking to themselves, this is very worthwhile
But with all the mud and sweat starting to smell rather vile
At the 15 mile mark – they had a lunch on their break
And their muscles were starting to ache.
and thankful that it had not rained a ton
Mile 15-20 they had an unexpected energy boost
And their hiking speed they would not be reduce.
They enjoyed the hiking with many stories and laughs
And came to mile marker 20, as seen in the photograph
They were marked every ¼ of a mile – and kept them on their toes
Because they were high in the trees and hard to disclose
These mile markers kept them right on track
So extra time resting is not what they lacked.
On the trail there was mud galore
And they got a little muddy, you can assure
One of them was very keen on her map
and as you can see by other pictures she had a pink cap
with many questions of “how many miles more."
And by the end their legs were so sore.
But you see, these girls didn’t care
Because in the end, 30 miles they did bear.
In 10 hours and 20 minutes they came to the end
Being glad to finish, I won’t pretend
The number of people they saw was 95
and Beth was picking them up – and her car had arrived
So when the day was all said and done,
Without any blisters and without very much sun.
These girls will remember that one day.
And they’ll be able to tell and say
That they hiked 30 miles for Heather’s 34th birthday!
~ Chelsea
Monday, May 2, 2011
When the Rain Ceases
In other news- In the mist of getting pictures uploading for this blog, I stumbled over newly posted status on facebook that Osama Bin Laden had been killed. You can tell you are semi-disconnected with the world, when you get current events from the Newsfeed on facebook, but nevertheless, after quickly telling my hosuemates we found the best place for internet in the house and watched the live news and Obama’s speech that followed. While continuing to work on my blog and to check what friends were writing on facebook about this event, I was very disheartened at the immense celebration that was going on, at the expense of Bin Laden’s life. I don’t see how anyone can celebrate someone’s death, even Bin Laden’s. Can’t we see the humanity that lies inside each of us? What happened to loving our enemies? Or to not rejoice when your enemy falls? I will celebrate when we walk in the way of peace, and have love for all. But by the looks of it, we have a ways to go.
In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr.
"The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting
the very thing it seeks to destroy.
Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness:
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness:
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth.
Through violence you may murder the hater,
but you do not murder hate.
Returning violence for violence multiplies violence,
adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness:
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
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