Wednesday, June 22, 2011

From the Other Side of the Country.

      Since I haven’t been in the Portland house for about a month, I thought I’d give a shout out to everyone and let people know what I was up to. 

     I’ve been traveling the East Coast for work – as of now, spending most of my time in Ohio, PA, or Virginia. I attended the Church of the Brethren Young Adult Conference – where it is always inspiring to meet up with other CoB young adults – many of whom I only see once a year at this event.  Had a retreat in Columbus, Ohio for Agape Satyagraha – that went anything but smoothly.  Lead workshops at the National Junior High Conference – where I realized how old I was and that Junior Highers eat more ice cream than anyone I’ve ever seen (7 cones in one day is even a little much for me lol).  And camped out in the backyard at Maire’s Farm (she’s my supervisor), where we worked on upcoming retreats and events, including next week’s Annual Conference.  

     I had my transitional periods in between events all figured out, but then a big kink got thrown in my summer plans, so old plans were thrown out the window and new plans now come day to day – so I often don’t know where I’ll find myself between events – Most of my time thus far has been spent at Bridgewater, Marie’s, Camp, or Richmond. It’s been tiring to be in a new place every couple days, but I’ve gotten to catch up with a lot of friends who I wouldn’t have seen before, and I’ve had other crazy adventures like having to kill my first rattlesnake, learning how to use a transplanter on the farm- to plant tomatoes, and helping to break up a fist fight.
      I’ll be out this way for about another month, but then will be heading back to Portland mid July – which will mean that everyone in the house will be there at the same time!!! Which I believe will be the first time since the end of February that that has happened.  I’m signing off from Bridgewater right now, but who knows where I’ll be tomorrow. 


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